Campaign Materials Request Form

Please fill out the information below so staff can ensure you receive the correct materials in your campaign packet. United Way will be in touch as soon as your packet is complete.

All campaign materials can also be accessed online at:

If you have any questions, contact Nick Swartz at or 715-834-5043.

Organization Information
Employee Campaign Coordinator Information

Materials Needed

Please indicate below the quantity of each item that your organization would like to receive.
Most organizations request one per employee.
Unless using ePledge, most organizations request one per employee.
Most organizations request one per organization. This is used to turn in pledge forms and any money collected at the end of your campaign.
Most organizations request one per special event held on behalf of United Way. For example, if you plan to hold a BINGO event and a chili cook-off, you will want to request two envelopes.
Most organizations request one per employee.
Most organizations request one for each main area of the office. For example, if you have a break room plus a conference room where employees gather, you will want to request two posters.
Most organizations request one for each main area of the office. For example, if you have a break room plus a conference room where employees gather, you will want to request two posters.
If you allow your employees to donate a specific amount of money to "dress down" for a day, you will want to request one sticker per employee.
If your organization makes a corporate donation to United Way, you will want to request one of these.